Thursday, March 3, 2011

How to Use a German Washer/Dryer

Step 1: Stare at unit in confusion, trying to remember the instructions Sarah gave to my jet-lagged befuddled brain the day I got here.

Step 2: Give up shortly after losing staring contest with unit.

Step 3: Grab computer, place on top of unit, open up google translator.

Step 4: Translate some words.

Step 5: Try turning dial to appropriate-looking spots. See digital display come up with minutes. Try to alter minutes. Suddenly, an RPM display shows up and am instead altering the RPMs.

Step 6: Panic. Try pushing another button to affect the timer. Get different display settings popping up in digital display.

Step 7: Really panic. Start turning dial wildly in a fit of confusion. Notice that the settings re-set when dial is turned. Become calm.

Step 8: Finally get the gist of how the machine works.

Step 9: Unit begins working. Pray that it is cleaning, not drying, my clothes.

Step 10: 70 minutes later, return to unit. Clothes are damp! And smell clean! Success!

Step 11: Repeat steps 4-8 to figure out the drying setting.

Step 12: Return 120 minutes later to find clothes dry.

In other news, I started P90X this week, and it is daily torture. I say at least 5 times per workout, "He's trying to kill me," and "These people are f-ing insane!" And you know what? I'm right on both counts. I am sore every day in new places, and I don't think the soreness will stop any time soon. Doing this with Val has been great because we've been giggling throughout at the P90X dude (who says some of the corniest things) and at ourselves as we flail like fish out of water on the floor while the fitness professionals on disc look elegant and strong. Today was yoga, and not only do I suck at it, but I suck spectacularly and entertainingly, with all sorts of falling over ungracefully.

Tomorrow, we're going to Prague, so I'm sure I'll have stories to tell after that. For now, I'm going to sit..and try not to move too much..and wish the soreness away...


  1. So glad you were able to use the washing machine! I think there's an assumption that these things are universal - who would think there was a different set of knobs to turn? LOL.

    While renting a townhouse in Aberfeldy my friend Kelly and I attempted to turn on the oven to no avail. We went to the front desk to ask for help and they sent a very nice gentleman to our place to help us. He had no idea how to use it either. We were able to cook eventually without burning down the Highlands which is a very good thing.

  2. Great blog post. My friends and I had a similar experience in Spain where we got locked inside a laundromat that closed at 10pm. We had to take the door apart to get out. Good luck with P90X. Friend of mine did it and got amazing results.

  3. aaaaahahahahahahaha. ahahahaahahahahaha. hahahahahahahahahahaha.

  4. Laura - I know, washing machines should be made in Washlandia and follow the same set of common-sense instructions. It's good you figured out your oven, sans burning down buildings. My option of last resort was to ask my landlady for help (although I'm pretty sure she was out of town the day I wanted to do laundry).

    Noz - wow, locked *inside* a laundromat?! That sounds both irritating and hilarious! P90X is still kicking my tail, and I'm still sore, but not as sore. So I think that means progress? Oh, and I eat like a hobbit now.

    Brit - I thought you'd get a kick out of this. :)
